I rang the Samaritans today, only for research purposes. I wanted to see if I could receive any information regarding how many males call on a typical day-to-day basis. Unfortunately I couldn't receive information due to it being confidential, however I had a fantastic yet brief chat with her regarding my mental health.
The woman I spoke to was called Helen, and she was simply fantastic. I spoke about my project at hand, and she said it was a great idea. She let me know that the Samaritans are always around to talk whenever I feel like I've got nowhere else to turn, and that it is always better to talk to a stranger who will listen, which I totally agree with. Talking to family or friends can make you feel like you're burdening them with your own personal troubles, but having the opportunity to sit down with a total stranger and have them listen to how you're feeling can be so therapeutic, as they know nothing about you and can be there to give you outside advice or even just listen.
The Samaritans are great inspiration for me, and everything they do is what I want to encompass and refine for help for males within university.
