We narrowed down our ideas into 4 main sub-headings. We wanted to try and squeeze our research until we found a little golden nugget that we could expand and work on. We narrowed it down to:
- "Hierarchy and Elitism"
- "How will the creative industry fair in the future with our evolving ethics of self-care?"
- "Embracing absurdity in the face of 'Creative Fear' / Engaging the audience in embracing 'Creative Bravery'"
- "How might we use D&AD Ne Blood as an active research site for anxieties facing young designers?"
Each sub-heading is a topic we felt we wanted to expand on most, as they were topics Georgia and I both feel strongly upon and have experienced in some way, such as feeling downtrodden and under appreciated as student designers in an ocean of talent, or how the outdated ethics of some design industries (albeit only some, as they are getting better) can affect the mental health of designers just starting out.
