For my curation topic, I want to focus on the relationships between love and technology, or more specifically, love and dating simulators. Within the modern era, falling in love has become easier for everyone thanks to advancements in technology and connectivity. However, it's also created new branches in society and who we form relationships with. It's now entirely possible to fall in love, and even marry, certain forms of technology. In recent times, people have been known to be in official (albeit not legal) relationships with video game characters in the form of holograms. These tendencies happen mainly in Japan, the world hub of video games and digital fantasies, but with dating simulators rising in popularity over the past decade or so in western culture, more stories have been popping up of people who either incorporate their relationships with their digital lovers into their real life relationships, or prefer to alienate themselves from real life interactions entirely, to focus on their relationship with their video game character. Games such as Mystic Messenger see hundreds of thousands of users play every day, some for entertainment, some for addiction.
