And so begins the strenuous task of deconstructing myself to the core - to find out what is holding me back; what my weaknesses are.
The moment we all received the brief - to ultimately create a design artefact after diagnosing my potential in my working methodology - I knew exactly what I wanted to focus on.
For the majority of my education, at parent's evenings or during one-to-one sessions with teachers, I was always told the same thing:
"You are a great student, but you can be greater if you just push yourself more."
I could have been an A* student, but I always settled for a B; I could have been in the top set for everything, but I settled for the second. I've always been perfectly content not being the top of my class, and I never pushed myself harder than I needed to. Unfortunately this still applies to me in the present - I was offered Supervisor position at my job as a waiter, but I turned it down, because I'm perfectly content as I am.
Where-as most of my life I've seen this as a positive attribute of mine, I've come to realise that sooner or later I'll be missing out on opportunities of a lifetime, simply because I was too content being under everyone else, rather than aiming for something higher. Hence, I've decided to focus on one metaphor that describes me in a nutshell:
"In a world full of 100s, I'm the 50."
