So after lots of studying and researching surrounding the terms 'averageness' and 'self-esteem' regarding the design industry, I've finally landed a question that is brief worthy. Here it is:
"How might I celebrate the concept of averageness in design?"
Lack of self-esteem in the creative industry, related to competitiveness and elitism.
Why I feel so rubbish and unworthy compared to all my friends and colleagues in the industry.
Has my upbringing and environment affected my state of mind in regard to my feelings about the creative industry.
Are my feelings of self-worth shared between other creatives?
To engage the people who feel totally average and not special in their industry; make them feel brilliant in their own way.
Refute the hierarchy system of the creative industry; it's outdated.
Make people feel better about themselves!
Create something that welcomes those in the creative industry who feel average and celebrate their talents rather than make them feel outclassed and unwelcome.
Celebrate averageness in design.
Target Audience:
Dedicated to anyone who feels average and uninspired in their industry of work.
Single Message:
Our individual talents and abilities do not affect our value as a person.
I feel as though there are so many (if not the majority of) designers, junior and senior, who feel very average in comparison to their peers and heroes, and are treated as if it is a bad thing. "You have to just do better." "Your standard isn't good enough." "Aim higher."
When work is criticised more than it is praised, then even the highest of morales will be crushed over time. Sometimes all a person needs is a kind statement about their work; look at the positives rather than the negatives.
Obviously being in the industry means you are meant to be a designer, so why do you feel like you shouldn't be doing what you're doing? (I'm speaking to myself here, but I feel like it's relevant in this context.)
Positivity is the motive. In an age where depression and poor mental health is rising and rising, we need to keep supporting each other in any way we can. We need to talk, share, and appreciate, rather than criticise every motion and scrutinise after every breath. Just let people do their best, and support them along the way. ❤️